Sunday, September 14, 2008

John's 40th Birthday Bash

John's Birthday Bash- Thankfully, Hurricane Hanna just missed the upstate area and made for a beautiful evening for John's 40th birthday party. Sticky Fingers catered the delicious BBQ and all the fixins'. Besides the great weather and food, we had a wonderful time celebrating with our friends and family.
John's parents- John Lacy & Ellen and Roy and Deneen
Blowing out all those candles!
John's football teammates from Clemson and their wives: Stacy & Stacy Long and Vance & Dena Hammond.
Julie, Lee, Beth, and Deneen
Hunter Ashby & Dan Minor
Kristi, Mary, and Ellen Harris


Caggiano-Ashby said...

you put on a great party!

Cary said...

You are sweet! Just trying to keep up with you! I still can't figure out how to add you as a "friend" on this blog!!!

Kristi said...

The party was fun, thanks for inviting us!